Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2012 Hancock County 4-H Fair Queen Dates

Tuesday, April 3rd - Application workshop and information meeting  
     Ninestar North from 6-7 pm

 Tuesday, May 1st- Applications due no later than 4 pm at the Extension Office

 Tuesday, May 8th- Queen Candidate Ice Cream Social
      Ninestar North from 6-7 pm, Candidates only

Saturday, May 19th - Queen Brunch and Workshop
      Ninestar South from 10-12 is the brunch with female adult guest and from 12-2 is the workshop for candidates only

Tuesday, June 12th - Queen Judging
      Brandywine Community Church, doors open at 9 am and judging begins at 10 am

Friday, June 22nd - Queen Pageant Practice
      3 pm at the 4-H Bowl

Saturday, June 23rd - Queen Pageant
     7 pm at the 4-H Bowl

Sunday, June 24th - 4-H Parade
     Line up at 1 pm and parade begins at 2 pm

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