Sunday, July 18, 2010

A few pictures from the 2010 Fair

Miss Congeniality Lauren and Princess Tera after the Pageant

Princess Tera and her Dad
Court Member Rachel and her Dad
after the Pageant

Lauren and Tera with Grandpa at the Fair

Princess Tera with her Sheep

Queen Melissia showing her Rabbit

Queen and her Court during the Parade

Pedal Pull Fun!
Queen Melissia

Court member Kelsey

Saturday, July 10, 2010

2010 Miss Hancock County Fair Queen is...

2010 Miss Hancock County Fair Queen

Melissia Grant

2010 Princess
Tera Fair

2010 Court Members
Jordyn Bever
Rachel Heilman
Kelsey True

2010 Miss Congeniality
Lauren Pfaff

Queen Pageant TONIGHT

July 10, 2010

Emcee: Brad Brown

4-H QUEEN PAGEANT in 4-H Bowl at Fairgrounds for public crowning of 2010 4-H Queen and Court.

Contestants: Please be dressed and at the stage 30 minutes before designated time.